Feb 22

Warped and Weft – Discussions in Transpersonal Culture

Each of us is a thread within the grand tapestry of existence. Deeply interwoven within the immense fabric of Being, it’s difficult to comprehend the picture of which we are a part or understand our role within its construction.  The only certainty is our interconnected nature to the greater whole.  As human beings this is a fate not easily accepted.

People of every time have questioned life’s nature and ultimate purpose.   We do so not by choice but necessity.  To know the pattern of which we are a part is essential to determining who and what we are.  Despite the enormity of the task, we continue forward convinced such answers are eventually knowable.

Through determined observation of ourselves and surroundings we try to come to terms with these ultimate questions.  Learn more …

Welcome to Warped and Weft - Discussions in Transpersonal Anthropology and Culture. A few images will be displayed here momentarily ...

Losing Paradise

The Torajan village of Kete Kesu outside Rontepao

The Torajan village of Kete Kesu outside Rontepao

The Torajan people on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi are a rarity among traditional cultures.  They possess something capable of holding at bay the inexorable encroachment of modernity.  Something within their cultural essence whose preservation is of great value to the ravenous economic sensibilities of the modern world.  Something allowing them to maintain those native customs, ideals and forms so delicately assembled and maintained over countless generations.  This commodity is neither land nor material resource but rather a unique and dramatic set of spiritual perspectives and behaviors.  The Torajan are a new breed of entrepreneur.  In concert with the Indonesian government, they have parlayed their traditional animist practices into big business.

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This Article was Last Updated on Sunday, 12 March 2017.

Science And The Akashic Field – A Review

Scientists of every stripe are always looking for “unitive theories.”  One grand idea neatly integrating all the diverse elements of their study into a nice tidy bundle.  In a world of caveats and exceptions such packages are hard to find.  Fortunately, there is no shortage of ambitious souls willing to try.  In two complementary books, Science and the Akashic Field and The Akashic Experience, (Rochester, Vermont-Inner Traditions,) the Hungarian Systems Theorist, Ervin Laszlo tries to integrate consciousness with the cosmos and through the process offer a startling perspective on the essence of human existence.

The Akashic Field, (or record or chronicle,) was a concept much in vogue in Theosophical circles in the early 20th century.  Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “ether.”  The gist of the theory asserts

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This Article was Last Updated on Sunday, 12 March 2017.

Warped and Weft – Discussions in Transpersonal Culture

Each of us is a thread within the grand tapestry of existence. Deeply interwoven within the immense fabric of Being, it’s difficult to comprehend the picture of which we are a part or understand our role within its construction.  The only certainty is our interconnected nature to the greater whole.  As human beings this is a fate not easily accepted.

People of every time have questioned life’s nature and ultimate purpose.   We do so not by choice but necessity.  To know the pattern of which we are a part is essential to determining who and what we are.  Despite the enormity of the task, we continue forward convinced such answers are eventually knowable.

Through determined observation of ourselves and surroundings we try to come to terms with these ultimate questions. 

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This Article was Last Updated on Sunday, 12 March 2017.